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Last Wednesday Meeting
San Diego County Farm Bureau
420 S Broadway
Escondido, CA 92025
Contact: Gerry Spinelli, gspinelli@ucanr.edu
Sponsor: UCCE San Diego

Last Wednesday Meeting

New Pathogens in California Landscape Trees

On 4/24/24 at the Farm Bureau Conference Room at 1PM to 2PM, or on zoom: https://ucanr.zoom.us/j/96811723661?pwd=MlU4bE4vUnZDUENxRDhFL2U3RzY0QT09

Diseases of trees are on the rise, threatening California's landscape. With the changing climate trees are becoming more susceptible to new and old pathogens alike. This month we will hear from Chris Shogren, Environmental Horticulture advisor for LA and Orange counties; Chris's talk will cover how to identify some of the emerging tree diseases, and best management practice for treating and maintaining healthy trees.  

For more information, call Gerry! 530.304.3738