The Cooperative Mule

Nov 22, 2013

Hi All. In my last blog the subject was about what I had learned regarding the use herbicides as a tool for effective passive restoration of CSS and native grassland habitats. As an Extension Advisor my job is to not only develop new information, but to also try to move it forward into practice.

In this case that means educating land managers and related professionals on how to efficiently and accurately apply herbicides to large areas. That's what the Cooperative Mule is all about, so sit back, I hope you enjoy the show. By the way, Ryan Krason, our Digital Media Specialist produced this video and came up with the name; I really think he did a great job, so thanks Ryan.

The video is just a general introduction to the potential to use an UTV or ATV for restoration work. I have captured the same information in a pdf that is available on my website at  - look for UTV Sprayer System. As always, if you have questions or comments, please post them below or email them to me at And if you are finding this blog useful, please subscribe and please send me ideas for blog topics. 

Please follow me on twitter @CarlEBell