4-H Youth and Family Development Advisor, Emeritus
Cooperative Extension9335 Hazard Way
Suite 201
San Diego, CA 92123
B. S. Home Economics Education, Ohio State University. 1976
Volunteer management, leadership development, nonformal education, curriculum development, school-age child care, early literacy and school readiness, parenting, brain development in young children, youth at riskAreas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)
Peer Reviewed
- Ontai, Lenna; Workgroup, Families with Young Children (2014). Familia Sana, Familia Feliz. University of California Cooperative Extension.
- Junge, S. K; Manglallan, Sue (2011). Advances in Youth Development in California 4-H. University of California Cooperative Extension. 2011.
- Ontai, Lenna; Manglallan, Sue.; Horowitz, Marcil; Smith, Dorothy (2011). Healthy, Happy Families Educator's Guide. University of California Cooperative Extension.
- Ontai, Lenna; Manglallan, Sue.; Horowitz, Marcil; Smith, Dorothy (2011). Healthy, Happy Families for Parents. University of California Cooperative Extension.
Junge, Sharon K., Manglallan, S., Reilly, J., Killian, E. (2010). Tools of the Trade II, Inspiring Minds to be SET Ready for Life! University of California. September 2010
- Workgroup, Families with Young Children; Ontai, L. (2008). Creating Healthy Families Series. University of California, Davis, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
- Reilly, Jackie; Junge, S.; Manglallan, S.; Killian, E. (2008). Tools of the Trade. University of Nevada. 2008.
- Ontai, Lenna; Workgroup, Families with Young Children (2007). Toddler Express Newsletter Series. University of California Cooperative Extension.
- Junge, Sharon K.; Manglallan, Sue (2006). Brain-based Learning for Parents of Young Children. Children Youth and Families at Risk Conference. University of California, Davis, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
- Junge, S.; Manglallan, Sue (2006). Linking Research with Practice Successful Strategies for Involving Parents & the Community in School Readiness & Early Literacy. National Even Start Conference. University of California, Davis, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 2006.
- Junge, Sharon K.; Manglallan, S. (2004). Let's Read Together Parents Discover Their Power. University of California Cooperative Extension.
- Junge, Sharon K.; Manglallan, S.; Raskauskas, J. (2003). "Building Skills Through After School Participation in Experiential and Cooperative Learning." Child Study Journal 33
- Junge, Sharon K.; Manglallan, S. (2001). Off to a Good Start. University of California Cooperative Extension. 2001.
- Junge, Sharon K.; Ponzio, R.; Manglallan, Sue; Smith, M.; Peterson, K. (2000). Advances in Youth Development Programming, 4-H Teens as Science Teachers of Children. University of California Cooperative Extension, 4-H School-Age Child Care Program.
- Ponzio, R.; Junge, S. K.; Manglallan, S. (2000). Y.E.S. Youth Experiences in Science Project. University of California Cooperative Extension, 4-H School-Age Child Care Program. 2000.
- Junge, Sharon K.; Manglallan, Sue; Feldman, N.; Conklin-Ginop, E.; McAllister, T.; Cotter, A. (1994). Lotteria de la Familia. University of California Cooperative Extension, 4-H School-Age Child Care Program.
- Manglallan, Sue; Junge, Sharon K.; Feldman, N.; McAllister, T. (1993). Summer & Full Day After School Manual. University of California Cooperative Extension, 4-H School Age Child Care Program. Publication number 1166. 1993.
- Junge, Sharon K.; Manglallan, S.; Feldman, N.; McAllister, T. (1993). Training Manual for Leaders Guide for K-3 rd Grade Youth. University of California Cooperative Extension. 1150. 1993.
- Junge, Sharon K.; Manglallan, S.; Feldman, N.; La Belle, C.; Snell, D. (1991). 4-H After School Program Curriculum Manual I Revised. University of California Cooperative Extension, 4-H School Age Child Care Program. Publication Number 1004. 1991.
- Junge, Sharon; S., Manglallan; Conklin-Ginop, E.; Cotter, A.; Cudaback, D.; Feldman, N.; Horikoshi, W.; Metz, D. (1991). Parents Styles: Tips for Busy Parents. University of California Cooperative Extension, 4-H School Age Child Care Program. Publication Number 1105. 1991.
- Junge, S.; Feldman, N.; Manglallan, S.; Horikoshi, W. (1991). Partners in School-Age Child Care: A 4-H Model. University of California Cooperative Extension, Davis. 1991.
- Junge, Sharon K.; Manglallan, S.; Feldman, N.; La Belle, C.; Snell, D. (1990). 4-H After School Program Management Manual Revised. University of California Cooperative Extension, 4-H School Age Child Care Program. Publication Number 1002. 1990.
- Junge, Sharon K.; Manglallan, S.; Snell, D.: Feldman (1989). 4-H School-Age Child Care Facilitators Guide Revised. University of California Cooperative Extension, 4-H School Age Child Care Program. Publication Number 1001. 1989.
- Junge, Sharon.; Manglallan, S; La Belle, C.; Langacre, C.; Metz, D.; Snell, D. (1986). 4-H After School Program Management and Curriculum Manual. University of California Cooperative Extension. 1986.
Non-Peer Reviewed
- Manglallan, Sue (2017). Off to a Good Start Social Emotional Preparation of Young Children. University of CalifornaiCooperative Extension.
- Bird, Marianne; Manglallan, Sue (2017). Preparing for Success: Strategies for Training Teenage Volunteers. e-Volunteerism. XVII:3.
- Bird, Marianne; Manglallan, Sue (2017). Training Adults to Work Successfully with Teenage Volunteers. e-Volunteerism. XVII:4.
- Manglallan, Sue (2016). Off to a Good Start The Power of Play. University of California Cooperative Extension.
- Manglallan, Sue (2015). Off to a Good Start Parents as Teachers. University of California Cooperative Extension.
- Worker, Steven; Manglallan, Sue; Nathaniel, Keith (2015). Youth Engage in Hands on Learning on Nine California Military Bases. University of California Cooperative Extension.
- Manglallan, Sue (2013). San Diego County Cock Fighting Ordiance. UC Delivers.
- Worker, S.; Horowitz, M.; Manglallan, S.; Harns, M.; Gutstein, J.; Bird, M. (2012). 4-H CYFAR: Youth Grow Through Science Programming. UC Delivers.
- Mincemoyer, Claudia; Manglallan, Sue; Reilly, Jackie (2011). Better Kid Care on Demand Lessons tools of the trade positive guidance. Penn State.
- Manglallan, Sue (2011). Blueprint for Positive Youth Development. University of California Cooperative Extension. 2011.
- Manglallan, Sue (2011). Positive Guidance and Discipline. University of California Cooperative Extension. 2011.
- Manglallan, Sue (2011). San Diego County Leader's Manual. University of California Cooperative Extension.
- Junge, Sharon; S., Manglallan (2010). Training Offered in After-school Delivery of Science, Engineering, and Technology. UC Delivers.
- Manglallan, Sue (2008). 4-H Treasurers Manual-San Diego Update. University of California Cooperative Extension. 2008.
- Manglallan, Sue (2008). Ages and Stages. University of California Cooperative Extension. 2008.
- Manglallan, Sue (2008). San Diego County Monthly 4-H Newsletter. Belonging Series. University of California Cooperative Extension. 2008.
- Dasher, H.; Manglallan, Sue (2008). Workforce Academy for Youth: A Community Effort to Support Foster Youth. University of California Cooperative Extension. 2008.
- Junge, Sharon; S., Manglallan (2007). Let's Read Together/Leamos Juntos...An Early Literacy Program. UC Delivers.
- Manglallan, Sue (2007). "Off to a Good Start in San Diego." UC Delivers
- Manglallan, Sue; Junge, Sharon K. (2006). Brain-based Learning for Parents of Young Children. University of California, Davis, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 2006.
- Junge, Sharon K.; Manglallan, S. (2006). "Building Life Skills Through Hands-on Cooperative Learning." UC Delivers
- Manglallan, Sue; Junge, S. (2006). "Building Life Skills Through Hands-on Cooperative Learning." UC Delivers
- Junge, Sharon K.; Manglallan, S. (2006). "Let's Read Together/Leamos Juntos¦An Early Literacy Program." UC Delivers
- Junge, Sharon K.; Manglallan, S. (2006). "Off to a Good Start¦Getting Children Ready for Kindergarten." UC Delivers
- Manglallan, Sue (2004). Judging Fashion Revue and the Experiential Learning Model. University of California Cooperative Extension, San Diego County. 2004.
- Manglallan, Sue (2004). Judging Home Arts Projects and the Experiential Learning Model. University of California Cooperative Extension, San Diego County. 2004.
- Manglallan, Sue (2003). Financial Policy Update for Treasurers. University of California Cooperative Extension, San Diego County. 2003.
- Manglallan, Sue (2002). Earth Connections. University of California Cooperative Extension, San Diego County. 2002.
- Manglallan, Sue (2001). 4-H Favorite Foods Show. University of California Cooperative Extension, San Diego County. 2001.
- Manglallan, Sue (2001). Building Literacy Skills in Four Year Olds. University of California Cooperative Extension, San Diego County. 2001.
- Dasher, H.; Manglallan, Sue (2001). Environmental Scan of San Diego County Youth. University of California Cooperative Extension, San Diego County.
- Manglallan, Sue (2001). Kindergarten Expectations. University of California Cooperative Extension, San Diego County. 2001.
- Manglallan, Sue (2001). Positive Discipline Techniques for Three to Five Year Olds. University of California Cooperative Extension, San Diego County. 2001.
- Manglallan, Sue (2000). San Diego County 4-H Home Arts Fiesta. University of California Cooperative Extension. 2000.
- Manglallan, Sue (1995). Teaching Children How to Succeed. National Network for Child Care. 1995.
- Manglallan, Sue; Dasher, H.; Walker, T. (1993 to 2011). 4-H Memos. Monthly Newsletter. University of California Cooperative Extension, San Diego County. 1993 to 2011.
- Manglallan, Sue; C., Martin (1990). A Healthy Me, A Tobacco Prevention Project. San Diego and Imperial Girl Scout Councils. 1990.
- Manglallan, Sue (1988). San Diego County 4-H Awards and Incentives Manual. University of California Cooperative Extension, San Diego County.
- Manglallan, Sue (1984). Key Leaders Manual. University of California Cooperative Extension, San Diego County.
- Manglallan, Sue; Hauser, T.; Harmon, M. (1984). Recreation and Games. University of California Cooperative Extension, San Diego County. 1984.
- Manglallan, Sue; Hauser, T.; Harmon, M. (1984). Recreation and Games Video I, II. University of California Cooperative Extension, San Diego County. 1984.