9335 Hazard Way
Suite 201
San Diego, CA 92123

Also in:
Small Farm Program
Farm management, marketing, agricultural economics, agricultural tourism, small farms, new/specialty cropsAreas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)
- Ag Commodities and Products - General
- Tree Fruits - General
- Berries
- Subtropical Fruits
- Cut Flowers, Foliage and Greens
- Vegetable Crops - General
- Plants and Their Systems
- Plant Management Systems
- Animals and Their Systems
- Animal Management Systems
- Protect Food From Contamination By Pathogenic Microorganisms, Parasites, and Naturally Occurring Toxins
- Natural Resources and Environment
- Alternative Uses of Land
- Economics, Markets, and Policy
- Economics of Agricultural Production and Farm Management
- Business Management, Finance, and Taxation
- Marketing and Distribution Practices
- Urban Agriculture/Local and Regional Food Systems
Peer Reviewed
- Ovenland, D.; Cantwell, M., et al. (2016). Impact of Storage Conditions and Variety on Quality Attributes and Aroma Volatiles of Pitahaya (Hylocereus spp.). Scientia Horticulturae. # 199, 15-22. Feb 2016.
Grasswitz, T., E. Gomez, D. Alston, D. Drost, D. Walsh, M. Ostrom, E. Bechinski, C. Williams, G. Ellen, C. Wilen and R.E. Lobo. (2012). “Encouraging Adoption of IPM by Small Scale Farmers: The Western Small Farm IPM Working Group.” IPM on the World Stage - Proceedings of the 7th International IPM Symposium. Memphis, TN March 27-29, 2012.
Sokolow, A.; Lobo, R.E.; Hurkari, K. (2010). "Confined Facilities Create Conflicts in San Diego County Communities." California Agriculture 64(3)
Lobo, R.E., L. Lev, et al. (2009). Market Driven Enterprise Screening Guide. 5th National Small Farm Conference. Springfield, IL,
Lobo, R.E., E. Takele, et al. (2008). Sample Costs to Establish an Orchard and Produce Guavas in San Diego County. UC Cooperative Extension, San Diego and Riverside County Offices. PP24
Trunstad, R.; Lobo, R.E.; Umberger, W.; Curtis, K.; Bailey, D.; Bastian, C. (2005). Certification and Labeling Considerations for Agricultural Producers. Western Extension Marketing Committee/The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
Keith, D.; Rilla, E.; George, H.; Lobo, R.E.; Tourte, L.; Ingram, R. (2003). Obstacles in the Agritourism Regulatory Process: Perspectives of Operators and Officials in Ten California Counties. Ag Issues Briefs. University of California Agricultural Issues Center.
Trunstad, R.; Bailey, D.; Lev, L.; Lobo, R.E.; Nakamoto, S.; Ward, R. (2003). Western Profiles of Innovative Agricultural Marketing: Examples from Direct Farm Marketing and Agri-Tourism Enterprises. Western Extension Marketing Committee/The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Publication No. AZ1325
Lobo, R.E.; G.E. Goldman, D. Jolly; B.D. Wallace; W.L. Schrader; S.A. Parker. (1999). "Agricultural Tourism Benefits Agriculture in San Diego County." California Agriculture 53(6)
Non-Peer Reviewed
Lobo, R.E., J. Hewlett, et al. (2011). "Ag in Uncertain Times en Español." http://www.farmmanagement.org/aginuncertaintimesespanol/
Hewlett, J., R.E. Lobo, et al. (2010). "Ag in Uncertain Times." from http://farmmanagement.org/aginuncertaintimes/.
- Lobo, R.E.; Schrader, W. L., et al. (2010). San Diego County Agricultural Directory and Guidelines for Establishing Agricultural Enterprises. San Diego, CA, UC Cooperative Extension, San Diego County Farm and Home Advisorâs Office. 2010.
- Lev, L.; Lobo, R.E., et al. (2009) A Guide to Screening Market Driven Enterprises - Power Point Slide Set. University of Arizona and Western Extension Farm Management Committee Website
Lobo, R.E., L. Lev, S.T. Nakamoto. (2009). "A Guide to Screening Market Driven Enterprises-Power Point Slide Set."
- Lobo, R.E.; Lev, L., et al. (2008). A Market Driven Enterprise Screening Guide. UC Small Farm Program Technical Report. Small Farm Program Website. 2008. http://sfp.ucdavis.edu/Docs/new_enterprise.pdf
Nakamoto, S., L.. Lev, R.E. Lobo. (2008) An Introduction to Profitseeker: Crop/Enterprise Screening Guide â Power Point Slide Set. University of Arizona and Western Extension Farm Management Committee Website
- Lobo, R.E.; Bethke, J.A. (2008). Effects of Urban Encroachment on the Largest Ornamental Growing Area in the Country. Proceedings, Western Washington Horticultural Convention and Trade Show, Everett, WA.
- Bailey, D.; Curtis, K., et al. (2008). Niche Markets Assessment and Strategy Development for Agriculture. Technical Report UCED. University of Nevada, Reno, Western Extension Marketing Committee/University Center for Economic Development. August 13, 2007. http://ag.arizona.edu/arec/wemc/nichemarkets.html
Lobo, R. E., S. D. Hardesty, J.A. Bethke, K.M. Klonsky, R.L. De Moura. (2007). Sample Costs to Establish and Produce Protean the South Coast-San Diego County. San Diego County, UC Cooperative Extension.
- Schrader, W.L.; Lobo, R.E., et al. (2006). San Diego County Agricultural Directory and Guidelines for Establishing Agricultural Enterprises. San Diego, CA, UC Cooperative Extension, San Diego County Farm and Home Advisorâs Office. 2006. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/2017/11766.pdf
- Biasi, W.V.; Mitcham, E.J., et al. (2006). "Sensory Quality and Postharvest Performance of Southern Highbush Blueberry Cultivars Grown in Southern California." American Society of Horticultural Sciences
Mitchan, E. J., W. V. Biasi, M. Gaskell, B. Faber, R.E. Lobo. (2006). "Sensory Quality and PostharvestPerformance of Southern Highbush Blueberry Cultivars Growin in Southern California." American Society of Horticultural Sciences.
Lobo, R.E., Bender, G.S., M. Gaskell. (2005). Market Driven Specialty Crop Production in Southern California. Proceedings, Third National Small Farm Conference. Greensboro, NC.
- Takele, E.; Mauk, P., et al. (2003). Tendencias en la Industria Californiana del Aguacate - Produccion, Costes, Rentabilidad y Perspectivas Futuras. Memoria Congreso Mundial del Aguacate. V. 2003 Resumenes, Anexo:A-186 Modificado, 002-003.
- Bender, G.S.; Takele, E., et al. (2002). Avocado Sample Establishment and Production Costs and Profitability Analysis for San Diego and Riverside Counties. UC Cooperative Extension, San Diego and Riverside County Offices. 2002.
Billikopf, G., L. Varela, J. Valencia, R.E. Lobo, et al. (2002) Spanish Dictionary of Agriculture and HR Management.
- Lobo, R.E.; Jolly, D.A., et al. (2002). The University of California Small Farm Program â Helping Farmers Manage Risks in Their Operations. Proceedings of the Third National Small Farm Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- Lobo, R.E. (2000). "Agri-Tourism Benefits Farmers in San Diego County." CORF News 4(2)
- Lobo, R. E. (2000). Agri-Tourism Benefits Farmers in San Diego County. CORF News. 4. Spring.
Takele, E., G. S. Bender, R.E. Lobo, P. Mauk, S. Chambers. (2001). Avocado Sample Establishment and Production Costs and Profitability Analysis for San Diego and Riverside Counties. San Diego and RIverside County Offices, UC Cooperative Extension.
- Lobo, R.E. (2000). Harvesting New Opportunities: A Strategic Plan for San Diego Agriculture. Report developed by the San Diego County Agricultural Committee. Agricultural Tourism Project. January 2000.
- Lobo, R.E. (1999). Agricultural Tourism and Direct Marketing in San Diego County. Cable TV Show SOMETHING TO OFFER. Fall 1999.
- Parker, S.L.; Lobo, R.E. (1999). Agricultural Tourism in San Diego County: A Look at the Consumers. UCCE San Diego County Agricultural Consolidated Newsletter. San Diego, CA. 1999.
- Lobo, R.E. (1999). Directory of Fruit and Vegetable Brokers, Packers, processors and Shippers in San Diego County. UCCE San Diego County Agricultural Consolidated Newsletter. San Diego, CA. 1999.
- Lobo, R. E. (1999). Directory of Fruit and Vegetable Brokers, Packers, Processors, and Shippers in San Diego County. San Diego, CA, UCCE San Diego County Farm & Home Advisor's Office. 1999.
- Lobo, R. E. (1999). Risk Management: Can Farmers do Without it? UCCE San Diego County Conslidated Newsletter. San Diego, CA. Spring.
- Lobo, R.E. (1999). Risk Management: Can Farmers do Without it? UCCE San Diego County Agricultural Consolidated Newsletter. Spring 1999.
- Parker, S.L.; Lobo, R.E. (1999). San Diego County Agriculture: An Overview. UCCE San Diego County Agricultural Consolidated Newsletter. San Diego, CA. 1999.
- Lobo, R. E.; Parker, S. L. (1999). Summary of Permits, Regulations, and Sources of Information. San Diego, CA, UCCE San Diego County Farm & Home Advisor's Office. 1999.
- Lobo, R.E. (1998). Agricultural Tourism in San Diego County. PARTNERS. 1. 1998.
- Lobo, R.E. (1998). Benefits of Agricultural Tourism. UCCE San Diego County Agricultural Consolidated Newsletter. October 1998.
- Bender, G.S.; Lobo, R.E. (1998). Directory of Fruit Packers and Shippers in San Diego County. San Diego, CA, UCCE San Diego County Farm & Home Advisorâs Office. 1998.
- Bender, G.S.; Lobo, R.E. (1998). Directory of Grove Management Service in San Diego County. San Diego, CA, UCCE San Diego County Farm & Home Advisorâs Office. 1998.
- Lobo, R.E. (1998). UC Cooperative Extension Study Opens Doors for Agri- Tourism and Expanded Direct Marketing. San Diego County Farm Bureau News. 11, 9. October 1998.
- Lobo, R.E. (1998). UCCE San Diego County Agri-Tourism Study Under Way. San Diego County Farm Bureau News. 11, 9. September 1998.
- Lobo, R.E. (1998). Using Crop Rotations Makes $ense. UCCE San Diego County Agricultural Consolidated Newsletter. January 1998.
- McDiarmid, T.R.; McArthur, K.A., et al. (1997). An Analysis of Possible Vertical Integration for Washoe Tribe Livestock Operations. Reno, NV, Univ. of Nevada Cooperative Extension. Technical Report # UCED 96/97-05, 30. June 1997.
- Lobo, R.E. (1997). Noxious Weed Alert: Tall White Top is Here! UCCE San Diego County Agricultural Consolidated Newsletter. September 1997.
ANR Workgroup Associations
- Agriculture and Nature Tourism - Member
- Beef Safety and Quality Assurance - Member
- Floriculture and Nursery - Member
- Livestock Production Systems - Member
- Sheep and Goat Herd Health and Production - Member
- Small Farm - Member
- Sub Tropical Crops - Member
- UAS (Drones) Workgroup - Member
- Urban Agriculture - Member
- Vegetable Crops - Member
- Warm Season Vegetables - Member