Are You Prepared For More Rain

Visit the San Diego Weather Center for your local rain outlook, rain totals, warnings & advisories. This website is updated hourly: San Diego Weather CenterWATERSHEDS OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY

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More rain is on the way and while it’s welcomed in San Diego there are many reasons why we should be prepared.
Soil Erosion
If you’re a home owner, you probably want to protect your investment. Soil erosion and debris accompanied by heavy rain or flooding can damage landscape features such trees, plants, and flowers. There are many low cost solutions to safeguard your property in the short term; such as, creating sandbag diversions and utilizing mulch to help keep soil in place. These are just a few ways you can save yourself some money. Don’t forget to plan for erosion control all year around. Preventing runoff during the spring and summer is equally as important. For more tips on soil erosion visit: Prevent Soil Erosion For Your Property
Stormwater Runoff
Storm runoff is water from rain that falls on the streets, parking areas, sports fields, gravel lots, rooftops or other developed land and flows over the land surface into nearby lakes and rivers. Why is it important to understand runoff implications? Unmanaged storm runoff can cause serious damage by carrying diffuse pollutants to our local waters. As a community we can help prevent some of this pollution by taking action. Visit the link below for ideas on how you can help contribute to a healthier San Diego water system. 10 Top Tactics To Prevent Stormwater Runoff
Rainwater Harvesting (Rain Barrels)
Landscapes can soak up more than 50% of the water used at a typical San Diego home. Capturing rain from your roof is a quick way to store rainwater for future use and help prevent pollution by reducing the amount of runoff entering our storm drain systems. In turn you can use your catch to help irrigate your landscape. It’s a win-win situation that helps conserve public water use and protect the environment. For rain harvesting guidelines visit San Diego County Rainwater Harvesting Guidelines for more information.
Want to learn more about conserving and protecting our water resources? Visit UCCE San Diego’s Watershed Research website at: UCCE San Diego Watershed Research