Message from the County Director
We are still here to serve you!

Dear UC ANR Stakeholder:
As you all know, national, state and local agencies have been implementing various measures to reduce the rate and risk of community spread of COVID-19. Many California counties, businesses, and school districts have implemented remote working protocols and a number of California counties have issued shelter in place orders.
We wanted to update you on protective measures being taken by the University of California, including all UC ANR locations. Last week, all UC campuses, the Office of the President and UC ANR offices in Davis, Berkeley and Oakland began implementing telecommute and limited on-site operations protocols. This week, all UC Agriculture and Natural Resources county offices, research and extension centers and statewide programs are implementing similar protocols. By Friday, March 20, all UC ANR employees will be working remotely, with the exception of designated essential on-site staff/academics.
Being mindful of official guidance concerning social distancing, all UC ANR functions, events, activities, meetings, etc. will also either be postponed, cancelled or moved to Zoom video conferencing through April 7, or until the guidance is modified. This directive also includes all volunteer-led youth or adult programming, meetings, or gatherings.
During this telecommute status, I want to emphasize that we are still working and available to assist our partners and stakeholders across the state. Critical research projects are being maintained and program delivery is taking place online. There is no impact to your ability to connect with us by email, phone or Zoom video conferencing. We will work to find solutions to support our stakeholders throughout any possible scenario that the virus may bring.
We know that every organization we serve is facing unprecedented challenges at this time. UC ANR is happy to provide free access to Zoom video conferencing tools and training to our stakeholder organizations. Please contact Ben DiAnna ( if you would like assistance in accessing and using Zoom technology to support your activities. Zoom is also hosting daily trainings online:
If you have any questions or issues regarding potentially impacted meetings, events, research, programs, etc., please visit our website at and look for the “About Us” in the top menu bar.
Use the “Office Directory” for find a specific person or “Contract Us” to have your question routed by topic via email. Updated meeting information can be found in the “Upcoming Events” section on the right-side column. We are here and available to assist you during this uncertain period.

Cheryl Wilen. Ph.D.
Interim County Director
San Diego County