Wildfire Resources

Are You Prepared for Wildfires?
Wildfires are part of California's ecosystems, and they do not have to lead to the destruction of structures and livelihoods. We all have a role to play in improving wildfire resilience, and we can make a difference from individual houses to entire communities. Preparing your home and property for a wildfire is an ongoing task throughout the year. Though it can be overwhelming to figure out where to begin, there are simple, cost-effective actions you can take to significantly reduce fire risk for your home and community. You probably heard about defensible space and home hardening. The idea behind those strategies is to protect vulnerable components of your house and reduce exposure to flames and ember ignition. In general, it is a good idea to start with your home and work your way out.
To learn more, click on the links below:
- How homes burn https://ucanr.edu/sites/fire/Prepare/How_homes_burn/
- Home hardening https://ucanr.edu/sites/fire/Prepare/Building/
- Defensible space https://ucanr.edu/sites/fire/Prepare/Landscaping/DefensibleSpace/
For more information and resources, check out the UC ANR Fire Network website https://ucanr.edu/sites/fire/
Wildfire Safety – Before, During and After A Fire
UC Cooperative Extension forestry and Natural Resource Advisors have compiled this statewide site with information and resources about Wildfire Safety - Before, During and After A Fire. Visit the site HERE
Crop Information
The aftermath of fire in an avocado grove looks devastating, but most of the trees have the potential to recover and be productive again. Read our article with expert tips on how you can save your trees.

The links and documents listed on this page provide information on the fires and fire-related issues. As parts of California continue to fight some of it's worst fires in recent history here's what you can do to stay prepared.
Home Damage and Insurance Information:
- Dealing With Disaster: The Financial Issues
- Wildfire Recovery
- Don't Get Burned Twice (Eng)
- Don't Get Burned Twice (Spn)
Health Information:
- Department of Environmental Health
- EPA Air Quality Index
- Food Safety After a Fire (Eng)
- Food Safety After a Fire (Spn)
Personal Preparedness:
Other Information:
Spanish - Español
- AsisTel de la UC es un servicio gratuito de información telefónica de la Universidad de California con telemensajes en español para ayudar a las personas afectadas por los incendios.
- Los mensajes pueden escucharse llamando gratis al 1-800-514-4494, o visitando el sitio http://ucanr.org/asistel/fires
University of California News and Information (Spanish)